In modern science Celsius is a temperature scale which zero degrees is the freezing points of water and 100 degrees is the boiling point. Temperature in this scale is generally denoted by °C or C alone.
The Celsius scale is widely known as the centigrade scale because it is divided into 100 degrees. It is named for the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius, who established the scale in 1742.
Anders Celsius was born in Uppsala. His grandfathers were both professors in Uppsala: mathematician and astronomer. His father was a professor in astronomy.
During student times he became engaged in general problem of weights and measures, including temperature measurements. Anders Celsius should be recognized as the first to perform and publish careful experiments aiming at the definition of an international temperature scale on scientific grounds. He determined the dependence of the boiling of water with atmospheric pressure (in excellence agreement with modern data). He further gave a rule the determination of the boiling point if the barometric pressure deviates from a certain standard pressure.
Celsius published most of his work in publications of the Royal Society of Sciences and in Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
A brief history of Celsius